The history of the new logo

The image shows the development that went in to the new logo. The common element in (almost) all of the logos is the squash court, as that is a unique element that no other student squash society in The Netherlands uses! Also, of course we retained US Beat It’s characteristic squash ball in the logo. The idea behind the shield and these particular colors was that they would be similar to the shield and colors of the municipality of Utrecht, making the logo even more personal.

Feel free to contact the WebCie if there are any design elements you would like to use!

Candidate board 2021-2022

A little bit delayed, but we are happy to announce that US Beat It has found a candidate board in these somewhat challenging times.

In the evening of the 24th, we organize a General Meeting and present our policy plans and the budget, and hopefully we will be installed as new board! More information will follow. We hope to see you there!

Club nights

Every Thursday US Beat It organises a club night at Olympos. From 20:00 to 23:00 our members drop by for a game of squash. Afterwards there is always time for a drink (and a teamschaal) in the sports bar of Olympos!